Monday, May 11, 2009

How I Make a Living taking Surveys

$2,500 last month from taking 23 surveys!

Sounds like BS?

Well, actually, it is. I only made $1000 from those 23 surveys I filled out.

The rest was from 3 focus groups I participated in, each one lasting about 3 days (recurring visits, with no more than 2 hours spent each time I went!)

So thats $500 each from the focus groups, and $1000 from the surveys I filled out.

No, this is not a fairy tale, and honestly, I don't care if anyone believes me or not.
As long as I'm making money from it, all the "Yeah Rights" and Sceptical looks seem to fade REAL FAST when transferring my money from my paypal into my bank account! lol

So do you want to know how I do it?

Would you like to know how in gods name can I pull that amount of cash in a month's time without barely lifting my finger (except to type in my opinion, which takes my less than 4 hours a week to do)?

There is one golden rule of success that has always stood the test of time, and it goes a little something like this:

Its not WHAT you know, it's WHO YOU KNOW!!

In other words, if you are not working with the RIGHT survey companies, well, get prepared to be VERY Frustrated!

"Oh, and by the way, most of the TOP NOTCH survey companies DO NOT spam the hell out of people with endless offers that won't make you ONE RED CENT!" Just thought you should know!

Look, there are a million Bullshit articles out there (Like "How to make money Taking Surveys" "Make money doing surveys") yada yada yada. But here is the real deal {also known as THE TRUTH!}

Read this carefully..........


Most of those guys (or girls) who write those article, are really just marketers who sell the product, but never USE IT THEMSELVES!!

So I'm going to spar you the song and dance, "I was broke before I found this and now I have money coming out of my rectums" speech! (it's getting old already, and WAAAY over done!)

Look, go to this link, fill out your info(its FREE to join), and find out for yourself what I'm talking about! This is the same company I use to make over $2,000 a month ($2,5000 was my best month so far!)

It IS possible to make money taking surveys on the net. Its not possible for the people who don't sign up with the right companies however.

You can find out who I use now by Clicking Here!. Have fun, hope this helps!!